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What to do if your social media account is hacked

What to do if your social media account is hacked

What is the danger of hacking an account in social networks? Much depends on the data that it contains, but in many cases you risk reputation, loss of funds on linked cards, relationships with friends and, in fact, the loss of your profile on the network. 

According to statistics, 29% of users lose their accounts after being hacked on social networks. Of course, if the account was created solely for entertainment, it was new, then maybe it’s not a pity. But if you have been developing it for several years, you have many friends in your database, you are a well-known blogger, or you planned to use social networks for business, then you should fight for your image, your profile on the Internet.  

Moreover, even one compromised account, password or phone number can give a scammer access to your other accounts.

    How to know if your account has been compromised

    If your account has been hacked, it is not guaranteed that you will find it quickly. Much depends on the goals of the scammer. It happens that it does not disconnect you from the server immediately after logging into your account, does not change passwords, but simply continues to be in your account, collecting data and periodically sending malware to your friends.

    However, there is an opportunity to detect unwanted presence.

    • Go through the correspondence, make sure that they do not contain suspicious messages like sending information from you or complaints from friends.
    • Check your mail, if you have notifications configured, then for sure you will receive messages from the security system about suspicious actions in your accounts: login (attempt to log in) from someone else’s IP or device.
    • View the status of your account. It may be penalized for spam or other violations.
    • Check your wallets, bank accounts for suspicious transactions or invoices issued for orders that you did not make.
    • Check your account settings to see what devices and apps are connected to your account. Look for this information in the section responsible for security. For example, on Facebook, you can see this in the “Security and Authorization” → “Active Sessions” section. You should be alerted in the list of both devices through which you did not enter, and “Unknown device types”.

    Users lose their accounts after hacking

    Accounts are repeatedly hacked by hackers

    How to remove a scammer from your account and what to do next

    1. Remove all unknown devices from your accounts. Sign out of all sessions on other devices. If this option is not available in the settings, write to the service support.
    2. Change your password immediately. Make it as difficult as possible. Let it contain letters in different cases, special characters and numbers.
    3. Set up two-factor authentication where possible. The most secure option is to set up using OTP passwords or security keys. Only today such opportunities are not available in all services. But on Facebook, Google and Twitter — the most popular sites — there is.
    4. Turn on security alerts if they were turned off.
    5. Check social media links to other apps. To the maximum, unsubscribe from all suspicious communities. Try, if possible, not to register using social networks on little-known or unverified sites. There are situations when a platform with a multi-million audience has vulnerabilities. By hacking it, the scammer can gain access to your social networks.
    6. Delete suspicious files on the computer, including from the bootloader.
    7. Turn on your antivirus. Check for updates to your antivirus program.
    8. Check other accounts — of mail services, stores that are linked to social networks. They, too, can be compromised.

    If your payment information was stolen during an account hack, block your bank cards as soon as possible.

    How to recover lost access to accounts

    The situation when you cannot log into your account due to the fact that the system does not recognize your username and password is unpleasant. In this case, you will have to fight for the profile.

    We recommend the following steps for recovery:

    1. Before restoring access, check the system for viruses. Delete suspicious files.
    2. You may be lucky and just be able to restore access through the “forgot password” function. This is possible if the scammer has not cleared additional recovery contacts in your account: mail or phone. And, of course, if you specified them. 
    3. If the password reset did not lead to anything — you did not receive the appropriate notifications from the service within an hour, did not find the letter in the Spam folder, then you will have to contact support. Restoring your account this way can take a while, as support needs to make sure you’re the real owner of the account. You may be asked for information about the first mailbox, the first transaction, a secret word, or some other private information from your profile. If you manage to remember it, then there should be no problems with recovery.

    How to secure your account in the future

    It is noteworthy that in almost 40% of cases, hackers “visit” hacked accounts again. Therefore, if you managed to remove the attacker or restore access, do not relax.

    First, let’s figure out how a scammer could get access to your data.

    • Password. In the first place of all hacks is the brute-force attack method, that is, password guessing. Think about how complex your password is, whether it contains a phrase from your status or the name of your loved one. Another common user error is using the same password on different services. Then the scammer, having learned one password, will get to the rest of your accounts.
    • Registration using social networks. We understand that there is no time, or you don’t want to come up with passwords during a new registration, so there is a desire to go through the procedure by pressing one button. But this, unfortunately, is not always safe. Try not to register in this way on sites where there is no way to set up two-factor authentication — they are easier to hack. Of course, the scammer will not have direct access from a third-party service, but the application will have access to your contacts, name, and profile link. Further, knowing which service you use, the hacker can send you a phishing site where you compromise the rest of the information: passwords.
    • Phishing. Often scammers use phishing sites to steal passwords. At the same time, they can send any messages, even about supposedly hacked accounts, saying that you need to enter a password to restore them. But in no case should you follow the links in such messages, and even more so enter data, otherwise you will compromise them.
    • Malicious programs. With the help of spyware or keyloggers that transmit information about what keys you press on the keyboard, scammers easily steal your passwords. And the distribution of malware can be carried out through infected links and files. 
    • There is no additional protection. As a rule, if an account has two-factor authentication, it will be more difficult for a fraudster to hack it. And if you use security keys, it’s next to impossible.

    In total, our defense will be based on the following steps:

    • Complex passwords. Security experts recommend creating 16-20-character passwords for accounts using complex characters, numbers, and letters in different cases. They must be changed at least once every three months, since technical means are constantly being improved, and it is possible that even complex passwords will be cracked by scammers in just a few weeks. If remembering passwords is difficult, use password managers or security keys.
    • Two-factor authentication. Given the weak strength of passwords, it is imperative to activate two-factor authentication in your accounts. This can be entering a secret phrase, a one-time password from mail, SMS, or an application, confirmation through a notification on your phone, or connecting a security key.
    • Caution in correspondence. Do not trust provocative messages. Fraudsters often use people’s weaknesses to provoke them into doing what they want.
    • Website check before registration. It is better to first register on the service, check what opportunities it has to protect your account, and only then link it.
    • Antivirus protection. Even if you accidentally download unwanted files, reliable antivirus protection can save you. The main thing is to monitor the timely updating of antivirus programs.

    Additional benefits of security keys

    • Burglary protection. A security key is essentially a physical device, without which it is impossible to open access. Even if the password is stolen, the scammer will be stuck on the second step. 

    • Phishing protection. Security keys (hardware devices) work on the basis of cryptography, which means that they can generate two types of keys (data arrays) — public and private (the latter can only be read by a program, but not by a person). During authentication, the key (hardware device) responds to the server’s request by sending it the previously registered private key (data array). If the site is not real, the key (hardware device) will not receive a corresponding request.

    • Ease of use. Security keys are supported by popular password managers. And in order to open an account with a key, a simple touch with a fingertip to the key scanner is enough, instead of waiting for a one-time password and typing it later for confirmation.
    • Can be used instead of passwords. FIDO2-certified security keys can be used not only for two-factor authentication, but also as a substitute for passwords. At least that’s what we offer our customers.

    These are not all the advantages of security keys, we can talk about them for a long time, so next time we will prepare a detailed review. The purpose of this article was to give you useful information on protecting your profiles. But if you want to learn more about the keys right now or purchase them, write to our managers!

    How to ensure information security at the enterprise if your employees work remotely

    Over the past two years, the remote work format has ceased to be news. And at the current time, it has become a real salvation for many companies where employees have the technical ability to perform tasks at home. This is especially true for IT areas: web, design,...

    Online security – why is it important

    The Internet is not the most secure channel for transmitting information because it can be intercepted. Even social media accounts can be of interest to attackers. Your list of friends, subscriptions to bloggers and media, correspondence containing secret information,...

    White hat methods of protecting a company’s reputation against competitors’ black marketing approaches

    Reputation is not only the recognition of the company, it is an important issue affecting its development as a whole. The competition is very high now, and if you are not recognized, they will not buy goods or services. This is due to the fact that buyers prefer to...

    What to do if your social media account is hacked

    What is the danger of hacking an account in social networks? Much depends on the data that it contains, but in many cases you risk reputation, loss of funds on linked cards, relationships with friends and, in fact, the loss of your profile on the network.  According...

    White hat methods of protecting a company’s reputation against competitors’ black marketing approaches

    White hat methods of protecting a company’s reputation against competitors’ black marketing approaches

    Reputation is not only the recognition of the company, it is an important issue affecting its development as a whole. The competition is very high now, and if you are not recognized, they will not buy goods or services. This is due to the fact that buyers prefer to choose something they know from a huge range of well-known brands, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to stand out.
    And if they find out about you from a negative side, the following problems may arise:

    • Falling sales.
    • Loss of investment.
    • Denial of credit.
    • Difficulties with promotion.
    • Refusal to ship goods on credit or refusal to Post-pay procedure by suppliers.
    • Difficulties in hiring highly qualified specialists.

    Белые, серые и чёрные методы — в чём разница

    Для управления репутацией существуют белые, серые и чёрные методы. Преимущество белых в том, что они базируются на законных основаниях и действуют положительно в долгосрочной перспективе. К серым и черным методам прибегают, когда вопрос нужно решить срочно, однако результат может получиться непредсказуемым. 

    Сравним некоторые способы и их последствия в сводной таблице.






    Publication of quality materials in the media: research, interviews, polls, reviews.

    Placing bright materials that divert attention from the topic of negativity: they discussed poor service, but began to discuss the personal life of the director, for example.

    Pouring negative information on competitors. The goal is to influence the opinion that yes, something is wrong in this company, but competitors are much worse.

    SEO promotion

    Writing high-quality articles, posting them on authoritative sites.

    Placement of a large number of materials in order to fill the search results with other information.

    Removing links from the search by illegal methods: site hacking, DDos attacks, etc.

    Working with reviews

    Quick response to the comments of the authors, elimination of negativity through clarification of details and the method of persuasion.

    Deleting reviews by blocking, asking for help from opinion leaders.

    Paid removal of reviews by agreement with administrators, purchase of reviews from freelancers.


    Building a reputation can take a long time.

    Relatively fast results.

    Fast result.



    Legal (mostly), but not always fair.



    Positive result in the long run.

    It is possible to “get hooked on a reputational needle” when there is a need for constant “negative stopping”.

    The result is unpredictable — removing the negative can result in even more negative.


    This requires a large upfront investment, but as reputation is built, the percentage of investment decreases.

    Expensive and few guarantees that large infusions will not be required.

    Very expensive and results are not guaranteed.


    We are convinced that white methods, despite their stability and laboriousness, are more profitable. By the way, you can stop the negative, starting with the internal work of the company. We will also talk about this a little. 

    But we want to warn that, unfortunately, the loss of reputation can also occur for external reasons — due to the sabotage of competitors. Therefore, we will deal, including, with the channels for the dissemination of negative information and how it can be neutralized.

    Channels of destruction of business reputation

    Here are the main places where the sources of your problems may be:

    1. Forums and boards of declarations. Both your potential clients, sincerely sharing the quality of products, and freelancers working for competitors can communicate here. They can form entire communities with blacklists.
    1. Blogs and microblogs. Influencers have an impact on their audience, and therefore their articles can be both a sales stimulus and a cause for trouble.
    1. Personal diaries of employees (former employees). Sometimes employees agree to inconvenient conditions for payment or schedule, or do not know how to build quality relationships with colleagues or superiors, and accordingly remain dissatisfied. And after the dismissal, they can sow negativity on the network. Or another — employees have hobbies, bad habits that do not correlate with the company’s image. They frivolously share personal information, opinions in social networks and thus undermine the reputation of the company.
    1. Comments to the news of the company. Leaving comments directly below posts is not uncommon. Dissatisfied customers react very quickly to any of your innovations. It’s great if you run your own blogs — you have a chance to stop the negativity within your site. It will be more difficult to work with comments on third-party resources.
    1. Social networks. This channel combines various formats: again, dissatisfied customers can leave feedback, organize communities, and blog. But, fortunately, there are tools for tracking negativity in social networks. And knowing them, you can deal with them effectively. There are agencies that help companies in this matter. In particular, this is what our company does.

    People read reviews before buying

    Cooperate with companies with a rating of 4 stars

    Look only at reviews of the current month

    Expect a response within a day

    How to remove negative reviews about a company

    Perhaps you had to deal with a situation where a dissatisfied customer left a review on the site of an online store? He can be dealt with relatively easily by answering publicly, asking leading questions, or apologizing when necessary. You can also use internal customer communication to offer to remove feedback for compensation.

    Other well-known ways to remove negative reviews left by real users:

    • Feedback can be removed directly by the author.
    • The site administration can also delete a review (if you find an approach to it).
    • Negative reviews can be outweighed by positive ones.
    • In social networks, slanderous and offensive comments can be removed by complaining about the user or by contacting the platform’s support.
    • It is also effective to include “brand advocates” in discussions on forums and create alternative branches.

    You can handle these tasks yourself if you have enough experience. Otherwise, we recommend contacting agencies that help quickly and painlessly resolve these issues. 

    Fighting the black methods of competitors

    We all understand that negative reviews need to be dealt with quickly, before the client moves to other sites or until word of mouth is turned on. But what if the negative does not come from the client, but, perhaps, is a “black” marketing ploy of competitors?

    In this case, it is better to contact a reputation cleaning agency, as the company may not be able to cope on its own or even harm itself due to the excessive diligence of employees.

    Here are examples of working with marketing reviews left by competitors:

    • Leaving clarifying questions under the comments. You need to ask the client what specifically did not like. Typically, freelancers hired don’t track comments on their reviews, don’t know the details, and won’t respond. As a result, a review without clarification will look implausible in the eyes of a potential client.
    • Lawsuits. If a review, comment, or article has offensive connotations or contains clearly false information, then using this method you can remove comments from many sites. You just need to know how to properly collect information for the procedure.
    • Placement of PR-articles in the media. It is very good if the company is engaged in charitable activities — this affects a positive image.
    • Writing and posting many optimized articles. This work is carried out in order to influence the issuance of search engines, to give more positive information to customers.
    • Appeal to administrators of search engines. If you have a positive court decision in your hands, then removing information from the search is not difficult.

    As you can see, in such matters experience and professionalism are needed. This is one of the reasons to trust third-party services. Let’s return to the issues of the internal work of the company as the most effective tool for working on reputation.

    External reputation starts with internal work

    Any negativity in the network can signal that it is time to start working on bugs and implement improvements. Each company should develop:

    1. Rules of business correspondence.
    2. Job instructions.
    3. Channels for collecting and analyzing feedback.

    In addition, it is worth following the rules that contribute to a comfortable climate within the company:

    • Show respect in communication. You should not yell at an employee, humiliate him, reminding him who is the boss here, and who is very dependent on the salary. The employee, of course, will obey, but every free minute he will look for vacancies from other companies, dreaming of freedom.
    • Do not force people to work on holidays, weekends or sick days. Burnout of employees leads first to irritability, then to depression and inability to perform duties efficiently, respectively, to work adequately with clients.
    • Do not encourage gossip and intrigue, snitching. An unhealthy atmosphere in the team leads to staff turnover and leaving relevant reviews about the company, which then have to be dealt with.

    Remember, satisfied employees work better, they won’t accidentally be rude to the client, and they won’t forget about the delivery time. They love their company and care about its reputation, both in and out of the workplace. 

    Reputation side marketing

    As we mentioned above, it is much easier and faster to deal with negativity on internal sites. But this requires tools, for example:

    1. Blog. Keeping your own blog, where you can talk more about products, cover the company’s activities from the right perspective, and share new products is a great solution. And if you provide feedback, you will be the first to know about the shortcomings of your services and will be able to quickly refine them if necessary.
    2. Social network. Here, feedback from users can be obtained almost instantly.
    3. SEO promotion. Even though people may see the first review with a low rating, they usually look for other reviews. Probably, in order to understand how many positive ones will meet, how many negative ones. And if there are a lot of positive mentions of the company on the network, then you have many chances to convince the client that you are doing a good job, there are just dissatisfied people, like everywhere else.

    4. A platform for feedback from former employees. Whatever mood an employee leaves in, if they are given the opportunity to speak out, there is a good chance that they will not harm the company’s reputation over time. In addition, having a separate feedback platform, you can always show how much satisfied people worked at the enterprise.

    Different methods can work in each company, we have mentioned only some of the most accessible ones, so that you can try to influence the situation yourself. But if you need professional help in leveling your reputation, contact us!

    Our employees:

    • Responsible for the confidentiality of the data you provide.
    • They will diagnose the current rating in the network using appropriate marketing tools.
    • We will work with you to develop an effective strategy to neutralize the negative.
    • All versions agreed with the director of the company will be worked out.
    • They will carry out work at a high quality level, using only legal schemes.
    • They will provide you with a progress report. 
    • Likewise, they will make recommendations to maintain the reputation of your company.

    Use the feedback form to get a free consultation on cooperation!

    What to do if your social media account is hacked

    What is the danger of hacking an account in social networks? Much depends on the data that it contains, but in many cases you risk reputation, loss of funds on linked cards, relationships with friends and, in fact, the loss of your profile on the network.  According...

    White hat methods of protecting a company’s reputation against competitors’ black marketing approaches

    Reputation is not only the recognition of the company, it is an important issue affecting its development as a whole. The competition is very high now, and if you are not recognized, they will not buy goods or services. This is due to the fact that buyers prefer to...

    How to ensure information security at the enterprise if your employees work remotely

    Over the past two years, the remote work format has ceased to be news. And at the current time, it has become a real salvation for many companies where employees have the technical ability to perform tasks at home. This is especially true for IT areas: web, design,...

    Online security – why is it important

    The Internet is not the most secure channel for transmitting information because it can be intercepted. Even social media accounts can be of interest to attackers. Your list of friends, subscriptions to bloggers and media, correspondence containing secret information,...

    How to ensure information security at the enterprise if your employees work remotely

    How to ensure information security at the enterprise if your employees work remotely

    Over the past two years, the remote work format has ceased to be news. And at the current time, it has become a real salvation for many companies where employees have the technical ability to perform tasks at home. This is especially true for IT areas: web, design, marketing studios, customer support services, call centers and many others. 

    On job search sites, the number of vacancies with remote work in April 2022 increased to 70%. But being remote has its pros and cons. Among the latter are security problems, which can result in information leakage, destruction of important data and, as a result, loss of money and company reputation. Consider the main causes of these issues and how you can work with them.

    Leakage of information through personal devices

    Outside the office, employees are often forced to use personal devices, and at the same time, employees do not always care enough about protecting their data. And it’s trite out of ignorance.

    For example, the main reasons for system vulnerabilities and accounts being hacked are:

    • work in a coworking space;
    • connection to public Wi-Fi networks;
    • lack of a licensed antivirus program;
    • installation of free software;
    • providing access to unfamiliar people to personal devices;
    • use of corporate data for registration in other services;
    • simple passwords or the same passwords on different services;
    • publication of personal data and contacts in social networks;
    • lack of additional account protection factors;
    • lack of protection on mobile devices and so on.

    Faced account hacking

    Still not using 2FA

    The same passwords

    Share passwords with colleagues

    In many of the cases listed above, hackers can use social engineering methods. Here are some of the actions of attackers that lead to the collection of information about the victim and causing damage:

    • get to know each other in a co-working space and collect information about a person, contacts (mail, phone) for further processing;
    • they can attach a keylogger to find out what keys the user is pressing and learn passwords;
    • they can spy on what passwords your employee enters;
    • collect a list of services used by the employee, and, having stolen the password, try to guess it on all services;
    • they can copy the SIM card so that they can then hack two-step verification;
    • blackmail an employee over the phone, using the information obtained to get close to accounts in banking systems or corporate data;
    • distribute viruses — spyware, malicious software, making email mailings on behalf of an employee.

    CRM Vulnerabilities

    IT enterprises often use various CRMs (communication channel management and task automation systems) to manage teams. Their vulnerability is that company employees can have access to the company’s developments, plans, and personal information of colleagues: contacts, residential addresses, bank cards for paying salaries, and so on. And many do not even think about what consequences this can lead to.

    Of course, it’s good to work in a small team where everyone knows each other and understands, where there is trust in everything. But with the growth of the team or the transition of part of the staff to remote work, someone, if not out of harm, then through negligence, can inevitably become a source of security problems. Therefore, making information publicly available to everyone is at least impractical.

    Methods and means of information protection


    Effective prevention of cyber threats includes three stages:

    • To determine the main sources of vulnerability, you need to consult with security experts. 
    • Based on the first stage, methods are developed to protect information security in the enterprise.
    • All team members are required to be briefed on modern methods of information security. Further introduction of modern methods of information protection within the framework of the company’s work is being carried out.

    Recommendations for protecting personal devices

    • Use strong passwords to log in to Windows, macOS, or Linux operating systems. They can be replaced with tokens or hardware security keys. There are many types of USB tokens with different functions, including those that can be used instead of passwords. 
    • If employees do not have personal devices — other family members also use them, then create separate secure accounts on the PC. Good practice: the purchase of devices for employees who have worked for more than six months — as a gift or at least with the possibility of redemption.
    • Protect mobile devices with passwords, graphic keys or biometric data: in modern models it is possible to set owner authentication by voice or fingerprint.
    • Hide personal data on social networks, do not leave contact details that are linked to accounts in the public domain, so that it is more difficult for hackers to guess what your login is.
    • Update programs and operating systems regularly. Updated versions have fewer vulnerabilities due to more secure protocols. Install reliable licensed antivirus programs. Make sure that they are activated for employees as well.
    • Don’t forget to back up important files on separate devices or cloud services. You can restore them if the virus destroys important information. 
    • Try not to download files from unknown sources, and do not follow links sent by supposedly acquaintances. This is how malware is most often distributed.

    Use our recommendations to feel safe working in a new format. And if you have questions or need the help of our specialists in diagnosing information security, selecting equipment or software for data protection, please contact us!

    What to do if your social media account is hacked

    What is the danger of hacking an account in social networks? Much depends on the data that it contains, but in many cases you risk reputation, loss of funds on linked cards, relationships with friends and, in fact, the loss of your profile on the network.  According...

    White hat methods of protecting a company’s reputation against competitors’ black marketing approaches

    Reputation is not only the recognition of the company, it is an important issue affecting its development as a whole. The competition is very high now, and if you are not recognized, they will not buy goods or services. This is due to the fact that buyers prefer to...

    How to ensure information security at the enterprise if your employees work remotely

    Over the past two years, the remote work format has ceased to be news. And at the current time, it has become a real salvation for many companies where employees have the technical ability to perform tasks at home. This is especially true for IT areas: web, design,...

    Online security – why is it important

    The Internet is not the most secure channel for transmitting information because it can be intercepted. Even social media accounts can be of interest to attackers. Your list of friends, subscriptions to bloggers and media, correspondence containing secret information,...

    Online security – why is it important

    Online security – why is it important

    The Internet is not the most secure channel for transmitting information because it can be intercepted. Even social media accounts can be of interest to attackers. Your list of friends, subscriptions to bloggers and media, correspondence containing secret information, electronic wallets, bank accounts – all this can be at risk.


    Next, we talk about methods of intercepting information and how to protect yourself. You can also get advice from our managers.

    Contact manager

    Among the most well-known methods of intercepting information:

    • Malicious programs.
    • Phishing.
    • Application vulnerabilities.

    The data for the last two years show that the majority of users do not take information security seriously.


    Faced with a burglary


    Still not using 2FA


    The same passwords


    Sharing passwords with colleagues

    Types of malware

    • Computer viruses are programs that can copy themselves and can extract, delete, replace or distort the original data.
    • A botnet is a network of computers infected with bots that execute certain commands: sending spam, guessing passwords, DoS attacks.
    • Cryptojacking or hidden mining.
    • Network worms are malicious programs that slow down device performance, delete files, and disable certain programs.
    • Rogue antiviruses are computer programs that pretend to be an antivirus by downloading malware or downloading data from a computer.
    • Spyware is a program that monitors user activity and can connect remote control of a computer.
    • Trojans are malicious programs that appear on computers under the guise of legitimate software.

    Protection. To protect yourself from malware, use licensed antiviruses. Also be sure to enable additional protection in your accounts: two-step or two-factor authentication. Use USB keys.

    What is phishing

    Phishing is a type of social engineering, a type of Internet fraud. It is aimed at obtaining data for authorization, most often in payment services and banking. This is done with the help of fake sites, pages on which users are prompted to enter data.

    Protection. Such sites are most often distributed through mailing lists from supposedly official companies. Be sure to check the site address by clicking on links through third-party services. Use hardware security keys: they will not work on phishing sites and you will understand that the site is fake.

    What are application vulnerabilities

    Unfortunately, not all applications are made with high quality, and vulnerabilities can lead to serious consequences, up to loss of control over the device. An up-to-date list of vulnerabilities is available on the OWASP website – a tool for developers. We list only a few for the understanding of ordinary users.

    • Access Control Violation Insufficient restriction of rights for registrant users. This results in unauthorized disclosure of information or deletion of data.
    • Insecure data storage storing data on a local server, and not on a secure one. As a result, unauthorized persons can access it.
    • Insecure communication the use of insecure protocols in instant messengers, chats. In this case, messages may be intercepted.
    • Incorrect security settings unlimited number of login attempts. This is fraught with hacking accounts by guessing passwords.
    • Lack of additional protection there is no possibility of connecting two-factor authentication. This threatens to hack accounts.

    Protection. At least before downloading applications, check how long ago they were updated, how many users were convinced of the quality, wrote reviews. Check what data the application is requesting and whether this request is justified. Stay tuned for updates to be delivered on time. Change your passwords periodically, or better yet, encrypt them using hardware security keys.

    What to do if your social media account is hacked

    What is the danger of hacking an account in social networks? Much depends on the data that it contains, but in many cases you risk reputation, loss of funds on linked cards, relationships with friends and, in fact, the loss of your profile on the network.  According...

    White hat methods of protecting a company’s reputation against competitors’ black marketing approaches

    Reputation is not only the recognition of the company, it is an important issue affecting its development as a whole. The competition is very high now, and if you are not recognized, they will not buy goods or services. This is due to the fact that buyers prefer to...

    How to ensure information security at the enterprise if your employees work remotely

    Over the past two years, the remote work format has ceased to be news. And at the current time, it has become a real salvation for many companies where employees have the technical ability to perform tasks at home. This is especially true for IT areas: web, design,...

    Online security – why is it important

    The Internet is not the most secure channel for transmitting information because it can be intercepted. Even social media accounts can be of interest to attackers. Your list of friends, subscriptions to bloggers and media, correspondence containing secret information,...